Saturday, 1 December 2007

Simple Kind of Man.....

Well..... Taking a cue from KC abt a song he liked..... I thot well... why not put in a few words of my own abt a song ive really come to love.....

Lots of my frnds went thru my orkut profile and seeing my status.. just maybe 1or 2 might have known what it really meant.... It wasnt me who's the simple kind of man.... Its a brilliant song by Lynyrd Skynyrd... Dunno how many might know the band... but its the same band that made Sweet Home Alabama and Freebird ( Again two of my very highly cherished songs... )

I'd heard abt the song frm another frnd and wanted to chk out the video on youtube and really really loved the tune..... So I hunted down the chords from the net (no big task actually) and started strumming it on my guitar... And it sounds phenomenal.....

Then what made me fall in love with it was the lyrics..... I had'nt really paid much attention to lyrics anyways since it was the rhythm that had me fascinated.........

But this song was different.....My fav stanza out of it wud be...

Ohh take your time... Don't live too fast,
Troubles will come, and they will pass.
Go find a woman and you'll find love,
And don't forget son,
There is someone up above.

And be a simple kind of man.
And maybe some day you'll love and understand.
Baby be a simple kind of man.
Won't you do this for me son,
If you can?

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.

Its basically a mother telling her son a few things about life..... And in this day and age of running aimlessly behind material pleasures.... The song gets you back to remind you that you need a grounding....That you may aim high but gotta keep ur feet firmly planted on the ground..... It kinda reminds me of the story between a rich man and a beggar on the street...where they finally come to a conclusion that all a man needs to be happy is a gud nights peaceful sleep..... What are we running so much for anyways????

I dunno how many would really agree with the lyrics...... But it did appeal a lot to me..... It gives a greater sense of dimension to your life than that is already visible..... And why lynyrd skynyrd are awesome is cos they put in such a powerful message thru such a simple yet beautiful song.....

I did refer the song to KC and he seems to have liked the tune atleast, if not the lyrics.....
I thot.......... " Gud going then " atleast sum1 cud appreciate what I really felt was nice...... I wud suggest that you get a hold of its lyrics whilst ur already listening.....

And now im off strumming it again on my guitar.................. Adios..........

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