Saturday, 31 October 2009

Man vs. Beast

Man is like all other living animals. He has the very same instincts for survival and sustenance. Whilst animals are bound by their instincts and cannot really act against them, man doesn't always have to do the same.

He's not a beast... he doesn't have to be one. Whilst he shudn't be ignoring his instincts, he does not have to bow down to them. He has the gift of intelligence and discretion at his disposal. To differentiate between right and wrong, gud and bad, is what separates him from the animals.

You may not be able to control what ur instincts tel u to do, but u can very well stop from retracing ur steps back into becoming beasts, by using ur power of discretion to act against them!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Music vs. Lyrics

Through and through, with very few exceptions, i'm a MUSIC kinda guy... Not paying too much attention to the lyrics, hidden meanings and emotions they convey! I might pay attention to lyrics in very few cases like Pink Floyd or Pearl Jam etc. In my case the lyricist / songwriter is almost redundant.

I guess music touches u directly. Whilst lyrics have a barrier of language and comprehensibility, music is universal...

I tag all my readers to put in their opinion of music vs. lyrics!
(What do u pay attention to and why?)